Agency worker job assignment confirmation letter template

£ 15

Our Assignment Confirmation Letter Template formally confirms details of a job assignment, providing clarity and setting expectations for both parties involved in the work arrangement.

Why this letter is necessary

The Assignment Confirmation Letter serves as official confirmation of an individual's acceptance of a particular assignment or project. It outlines the key details of the assignment, including the scope of work, duration, remuneration, and any specific terms or conditions agreed upon between the parties involved.

This letter serves to provide clarity and formalise the agreement between the assignee and the assigning party, ensuring mutual understanding and alignment of expectations.

It serves as a record of the terms agreed upon, helping to avoid misunderstandings or disputes during the course of the assignment.

  • Employment Rights Act 1996: Sets out the legal framework for employment contracts and terms, including the confirmation of assignment details.

  • Equality Act 2010: Ensures that assignment confirmation letters do not discriminate against individuals based on protected characteristics.

  • Data Protection Act 2018 (incorporating GDPR): Mandates the handling of personal data within assignment confirmation letters in compliance with data protection principles.

  • Agency Workers Regulations 2010: Requires agencies to provide certain information to workers, which may be included in assignment confirmation letters.

  • National Minimum Wage Act 1998: Requires compliance with minimum wage laws, and assignment confirmation letters may include details about pay rates.

Workflow sequence

Previous step
Key Information Document form template

Our Key Information Document for Agency Workers outlines crucial details about assignments, rights, and responsibilities, ensuring clarity and transparency in temporary work arrangements.

This step
Agency worker job assignment confirmation letter template

Implementation timeline

Step Description Responsibility Timing
1 Discuss assignment details and expectations with the worker Agency / Hiring Manager As needed
2 Prepare, Customise, and Review the Assignment Confirmation letter template Agency  1-2 days before use
3 Obtain Signatures and Approvals Agency / Candidate Upon completion of review
4 Distribute Signed Letter to Employee and Stakeholders Agency  Immediately after approval

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Reading time icon
Time to read / prep / use
5 mins
Document specs icon
Word count / length
191 words, 1 page A4
Date last reviewed icon
Date last reviewed
1 October 2024
agency worker job assignment confirmation letter template

[Company name]

[Sender address]



[Recipient name]

[Recipient address]


Dear [Recipient first name],


Assignment Confirmation

We are pleased to confirm your assignment with [Client Name] as part of [Project/Role Name]. This assignment is in accordance with our agreement and will commence on [Start Date] and end on [End Date], unless otherwise specified.

Assignment Details:

  • Client Name: [Client Name]

  • Assignment Location: [Location]

  • Job Title/Role: [Job Title/Role]

  • Start Date: [Start Date]

  • End Date: [End Date]

  • Work Schedule: [Working Hours]

  • Hourly Rate/Salary: [Rate/Salary]


Your responsibilities during this assignment include but are not limited to:

  • [List of specific responsibilities]

Reporting Structure:

You will report to [Supervisor/Manager's Name] at [Client's Company Name] for the duration of this assignment. Please adhere to their instructions and guidelines as required.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this assignment, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Agency Contact Information].

We appreciate your commitment and professionalism in representing our agency, and we trust that you will excel in your role with [Client Name].

Please sign below to acknowledge your acceptance of this assignment confirmation.

Accepted by:

[Agency Worker's Signature] [Date]

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A purchase is required to view    Protected content: Make a Purchase to unlock.

Yours [faithfully | sincerely],



[Sender name]

[Sender job title]

[Sender telephone]
[Sender email]


[For, and on behalf of [Company name] ]

Why choose our Agency worker job assignment confirmation letter template?

Our content:

Is easy to edit and execute, with comprehensive implementation guidance.
Is designed by accredited, experienced HR practitioners.
Maintains your compliance with ACAS guidelines, legislation, and industry best practices.
Includes 12 months access to your purchase, with email alerts if updated or expanded.

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