Triggers Broom and Good Management: A Light-Hearted Look

Darryl Horn, Sunday, 5 March 2023 • 3 min read

Triggers Broom and Good Management: A Light-Hearted Look

Have you ever heard of Triggers Broom? It’s a classic British comedy reference that perfectly illustrates the concept of good management. In the Only Fools and Horses sitcom, Trigger has had the same broom for 20 years but claims it’s had 17 new heads and 14 new handles. The joke is that it’s not the same broom, but it still serves the same purpose.

This concept applies to good management. A manager’s job is to keep the team moving in the right direction, just like Trigger’s broom. But it’s not always easy. So, let’s take a light-hearted look at what good management means and how you can be the best Trigger’s broom you can be.

Listen and Communicate

The first and most important aspect of good management is communication. Effective communication means both listening and speaking. As a manager, it’s important to actively listen to your team members’ concerns, feedback, and suggestions. When they feel heard, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

But communication isn’t just about listening. It’s also about being clear in your expectations and feedback. Make sure your team knows what they need to do, and provide constructive feedback that helps them improve. Don’t forget to celebrate successes and acknowledge good work.

Adapt and Evolve

As Trigger’s broom shows, things change over time. In business, that means adapting to new challenges, opportunities, and technologies. Good managers stay flexible and open to new ideas. They recognize that what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

Being adaptable also means being proactive. Don’t wait for a problem to arise before taking action. Anticipate potential challenges and address them before they become bigger issues.

Empower and Delegate

Another essential aspect of good management is delegation. As a manager, you can’t do everything yourself. You need to trust your team members to take on responsibilities and make decisions. By empowering them, you not only relieve some of your workload, but you also show that you trust and value them.

But delegation isn’t just about assigning tasks. It’s about setting clear expectations, providing resources and support, and giving feedback. When your team members feel confident and supported, they are more likely to succeed.

Encourage Growth and Learning

Finally, good managers encourage growth and learning. The best teams are those that are constantly improving and developing. That means investing in training, mentoring, and other opportunities for professional development.

But growth isn’t just about professional development. Good managers also support their team members’ personal growth. Encourage your team to pursue their passions and hobbies outside of work. This not only helps them grow as individuals but also promotes a healthy work-life balance.


Being a good manager is like being Triggers Broom. It’s not always the same, but it still gets the job done. Good management requires effective communication, adaptability, delegation, and a focus on growth and learning. By following these principles, you can be the best Trigger’s broom you can be and lead your team to success.

So, go forth and be the Trigger’s broom of your workplace!

This article was first published on 5/3/23.

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