Medical report consent request to employee letter template
Recent customers:
If you need to contact an employee's GP to obtain a medical report, issue this model letter to request their consent.
The letter explains that the employer wishes to write to the employees GP for guidance on their expected return to work and what adjustments (if any) they need to make.
Issue with the model consent form.

Medical report consent request to employee letter
[Sender name]
[Sender address]
[Recipient name]
[Recipient address]
Dear [Recipient first name],
Request for medical information
According to our records, you have been on sick leave since [date]. [As you discussed with [name] [today | on [date], I|i]n order to proceed with our absence management policy and so that we can address your absence fairly and reasonably we now need information form your GP.
We wish formally to ask your GP for a full medical report as to the present state of your health and for their assessment of your ability to return to your job. I enclose a copy of
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