First aid policy template

10 minute read • 1 January 2025
£ 10

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Employment law compliance

Our First Aid Policy outlines procedures ensuring prompt and effective response to injuries, fostering a safe work environment.

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First aid policy


[Company name] recognises that first aid/emergency aid treatment is critical in minimising the impacts of workplace injury or sickness and will fully comply with The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 and accompanying HSE Guidance.

As a result, the organisation's policy is to provide enough and suitable equipment, facilities, and trained staff to enable employees to get first aid if they are injured or become unwell at work.

The organisation is therefore committed to:

  • Providing, on all company premises, sufficient numbers of trained personnel, equipment and information available to ensure that someone competent in basic first aid or emergency aid techniques can rapidly attend an incident.
  • Ensuing that appropriate first aid arrangements are made for the people we support and other members of the public.
  • Providing information to employees on first aid arrangements.


This policy is applicable to all employees of [company name].

General principles


First Aider

An employee who has been trained to properly give first aid at work and holds a current 'First Aid at Work' certificate and has been appointed by the company.


  • The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
  • Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSAW).
  • The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

Responsibilities of a First Aider

  • To preserve life until medical help arrives.
  • To limit the effects of the injury or illness.
  • To evacuate the casualty safely.
  • To promote recovery.
  • To get the casualty medical help if required.

Provision of First Aid

Site risk assessment process

It is not possible to give hard and fast rules about the numbers of First Aiders required on each site or situation. This will depend on the circumstances and situation of the workplace and the hazards and risks present. However, the Health and Safety Executive has given some general guidelines to be followed.

It should be noted that the minimum requirement is for an emergency first aider to be present when there are workers on site.


All arrangements for First Aid must be brought to the attention of all employees.

For visitors and the self-employed it is important that they are aware of local arrangements. Checks should be made to ensure liability insurance cover would apply.

In the event of an incident requiring First Aid, procedures should be in place to ensure immediate notification and release of a First Aider. Tannoy systems or pagers could be used.

How to choose a First Aider

There are some basic qualities which will be needed:

  • Calm in a crisis.
  • Trusted by their colleagues.
  • Able to pass an examination - practical and written.
  • Physically able to give CPR.
  • Able to leave their work at short notice.
  • Have an interest in health and safety.

First Aid boxes

Containers for First Aid equipment can be boxes, bags or cupboards and should be made of material able to protect the contents from damp and dust. Containers should be marked with a white cross on a green background. There should be at least one box per site.

The contents of the First Aid containers are covered by the First Aid Regulations and the type of dressings etc. should be determined by risk assessment and agreed with Occupational Health or Health and Safety. The contents of the container should be regularly checked and replenished, usually by First Aid personnel.

Blue metal detectable plasters should be checked to ensure that they are detectable and records kept supporting this (required for audit purposes).

Those who work off site or travel on behalf of the company should be given a personal first aid kit.

[First Aid Room

The need for a First Aid room will be assessed from the risk assessment process.]

First Aid Training

All First Aiders must attend a HSE approved training course and hold a current certificate for First Aid at Work from the training organisation. The training organisation should be made aware of any special hazards on site so that relevant First Aid training is received.

Initial training is normally of 3 days duration with a practical and written test at the end of the taught course. The First Aid at Work certificate is valid for 3 years with a 2-day re-qualification period required before the 3-year expires. It should be noted that if the certificate expiratory date is over one month, then a full 3-day course is required to receive a valid certificate. 

Guidance from the HSE suggests that First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders should undertake annual refresher training over half a day during any 3 year period to keep skills up to date.

First Aid training records and lists of First Aiders will be kept in a readily accessible format for audit and inspection purposes.

First Aid Treatments

All First Aid staff should only give treatments for which they have been trained.

Protection for First Aiders

All First Aid staff who regularly treat cuts and come into contact with blood should ensure that they follow safe handling procedures to protect themselves against blood borne viruses such as Hepatitis B and HIV.

Eyewash bottles and Equipment

This equipment should be considered as First Aid equipment and maintained as such.


[name] will audit [%]% of all entries in the Accident book that require treatment.


All accidents at work must be recorded in the Accident Book. The First Aider will make records of all treatment given at the time of the incident.


First Aid staff will report to [name] regarding First Aid matters but to the line manager for all other duties.

Review of the policy

This policywill be reviewed 2 yearly or if changing legislation indicates and communicated to all relevant personnel.

This policy [does not] form[s] part of your terms and conditions of employment.

Version: [1.0]

Issue date: [date]

Author: [name, job title]

Restricted before purchase.

Restricted before purchase.

What is this for?

A first aid policy is a written document that outlines an organisation's approach to managing first aid and medical emergencies in the workplace. It sets out the employer's commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment and details the procedures that employees should follow in the event of an accident or illness.

By implementing a first aid policy, employers can demonstrate their commitment to providing a safe working environment for their employees and ensure that they are prepared to respond effectively to medical emergencies and accidents in the workplace.

first aid policy template
  • The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974: This is the primary legislation governing health and safety in the workplace in the UK. It requires employers to provide a safe working environment, including adequate and appropriate first aid facilities and personnel. What is 'adequate and appropriate' will depend on the circumstances in the workplace. This includes whether trained first-aiders are needed, what should be included in a first-aid box and if a first-aid room is required. Employers should carry out an assessment of first-aid needs to determine what to provide.

  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: This sets out the requirements for employers to conduct a risk assessment of their workplace, including identifying the first aid needs of their employees and ensuring that they have adequate first aid arrangements in place.

  • The First Aid Regulations 1981: This requires employers to provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment, facilities, and personnel in the workplace, based on the results of their risk assessment.

  • The Equality Act 2010: This prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Employers must ensure that their first aid policies and procedures take into account the needs of employees with disabilities.

  • The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR): This requires employers to report certain types of accidents and incidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This includes incidents where first aid treatment is required.


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