Lone working policy template
Supporting information
Our Lone Working Policy Template promotes safety and sets guidelines for employees working alone, ensuring their well-being and minimising risks.

Lone working policy
1 Overview
1.1 This policy explains how [Company] will protect their staff as far as is reasonably practicable from the risks of lone working.
2 Scope
2.1 All workers of [Company].
2.2 This policy applies to all situations involving Lone Workers arising in connection with their duties and work activities.
3 Principles
3.1 Policy Statement
3.1.1 Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, every employer and employee has rights and responsibilities, to ensure the provision of a safe working environment supported by safe systems of working.
3.1.2 [Company] is committed to providing a safe working environment as far as reasonably practical that meets the needs of its staff and volunteers. Consideration shall therefore be given to the health and safety implications in respect of lone working.
3.1.3 While [Company] will endeavour to reduce any instances of Lone Working where practicable, working alone is not in itself against the law and it will often be safe to do so. The law requires employers to consider carefully, and then deal with any health and safety risks for people working alone.
3.2 Definition of Lone Working
3.2.1 Individuals are alone at work when they are on their own, they cannot be seen or heard by another worker, cannot expect a visit from another worker for some time and/or where assistance is not readily available when needed. Therefore, lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. This includes establishments where:
Only one person works on the premises
One person works separately from others
One person works outside normal hours
3.3 Responsibilities
3.3.1 Line Managers
Ensure that workers comply with this policy
Ensure their workers work in a safe environment
Ensure that workers do not suffer from undue stress as a consequence of
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What is this for?
A Lone Working Policy is a document that outlines how an organisation manages and mitigates the risks associated with employees working alone.
It sets out the responsibilities of both the employer and employees to ensure safety, compliance with legal requirements, and appropriate procedures in case of emergencies.

Employment law compliance
Although not a legal requirement, an effective policy can help to promote a strong safety culture among employees, keeping them safe and reducing the risk of legal issues.
Your lone working policy should be a document that is accessible and easy to understand.
Lone workers and their managers should be familiar with the document and its location.
Issue a copy to new employees who will work alone and to any contractors or temporary workers you use.