Coronavirus (COVID-19) example procedure policy template

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Value bundles that include this:

Our COVID-19 procedure policy template provides organisations with clear guidelines and protocols for ensuring employee safety and well-being during the pandemic.

This policy has three parts: an 'overview' that explains what it's about, 'scope' which details who it applies to, and 'general principles' that list the main rules it follows.

Why this policy is necessary

The purpose of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) example procedure policy template is to provide organisations with a standardised framework and guidelines for managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic within their workplace. This template serves as a reference document that outlines the necessary procedures, protocols, and best practices to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of employees, customers, and visitors.

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Provides a framework for ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of employees, including measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19.

  • The Employment Rights Act 1996: Establishes various employment rights, including the right to a safe and healthy working environment, protection against unfair dismissal, and protection against detriment for raising health and safety concerns.

  • The Equality Act 2010: Prohibits discrimination, harassment, and victimisation in the workplace, including the obligation to provide reasonable adjustments for disabled employees, which may include implementing COVID-19 safety measures.

  • The Working Time Regulations 1998: Sets limits on working hours, rest breaks, and annual leave entitlements, ensuring employees have adequate time off to rest and recover, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy workforce during the pandemic.

  • The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992: Provides guidelines for employers on ensuring the health and safety of employees who regularly use display screen equipment, which may include implementing measures to reduce the risk of virus transmission.

  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002: Requires employers to assess and control the risks posed by hazardous substances in the workplace, which may include implementing measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission through cleaning and disinfection procedures.

  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: Requires employers to carry out risk assessments and take appropriate measures to protect the health and safety of employees, which should include specific considerations for preventing the spread of COVID-19.


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690 words, 2 pages A4
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Date last reviewed
1 July 2024
coronavirus (covid-19) example procedure policy template

Coronavirus (COVID-19) example procedure


  • A high temperature – feeling hot to touch on chest or back and have a temperature of 100 F (37.8 C) or higher.

  • A new, continuous cough – this means coughing repeatedly.

  • A loss of, or change to, smell or taste

Employees who may be at risk

Should a colleague present in the premises with diagnosed coronavirus (COVID-19) or suspected coronavirus (COVID-19), ensure they are isolated as quickly as possible and advise to get further details from the 111 website.

Employees that suspect they may be at risk of coronavirus should not attend work until they have gained advice from the 111 website and spoken to their manager.

They should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital without instruction from the 111 website.

Information on who may be at risk can be found on the government's and NHS's website which is updated daily.

Should a colleague present with diagnosed coronavirus (COVID-19) or suspected coronavirus (COVID-19) a meeting of the following will be arranged as quickly as possible:

  • MD / Board members

  • Director or delegate of the department the colleague is from

  • Internal HR colleagues

The purpose of the meeting will be to review the risk and make decisions on how to address the situation.

Health authorities may take very directive actions in the case of any outbreak in which we are involved, so our plan will be fluid and reactive to the needs of any externally imposed instructions or restrictions.

Section 1 outlines key questions to cover and potential actions to consider which will help generate an action plan.

Section 2 provides contact details for all relevant persons.

Section 1 - Coronavirus assessment meeting notes and action plan

Key details

Who was present at the meeting?  
Date/time of meeting:  
How were you notified of this incident?  
Current point of contact with colleague:  
Details of incident including where the colleague is, is it suspected/ testing/confirmed, etc.:  
Also, what circumstances it's arisen from i.e. travelled to an affected area, exposed during work or personal time, etc.:  

Further things to consider

  • NHS 111 advice given:

  • Who have they been exposed to over the past 14 days? Clients? Colleagues? Other 3rd parties?

  • Colleague exposure

  • Any high-risk colleagues or service users in close proximity i.e. weakened immune systems, pregnant, other serious health conditions?

  • Are those in close working proximity able to work from home / isolate?

  • Client exposure

  • Establish who they may have come into contact with over the past 14 days.

  • Any other pertinent information?

Potential actions to consider include:

  • Communications to colleagues / other relevant parties

  • Increase working from home / remote working

  • Isolation of colleagues/others that have had close interaction with the colleague

  • Deep clean of area

  • Revision of cleaning schedule

  • Communicating with the colleague / relatives

  • Who else needs to be updated on this situation - including how and when.

  • Any IT actions required to facilitate the other actions required

  • How can we establish who they have been exposed to during the prior 14 days? (Health Authorities will need this information)

  • Consider notifying insurers

  • Point of contact for any press intrusion

  • Departmental specific actions to maintain business delivery

  • Update Risk Assessment

Action Plan


Section 2 – Key contacts

Contact details:  

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This policy [does not] form[s] part of your terms and conditions of employment.

Version: [1.0]

Issue date: [date]

Author: [name, job title]

Why choose our Coronavirus (COVID-19) example procedure policy template?

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