TUPE request for employee liability information letter template
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Supporting information
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to the outgoing employer to request employee liability information.

TUPE request for employee liability information letter
[Sender name]
[Sender address]
[Recipient name]
[Recipient address]
Dear [Recipient first name],
TUPE Request for Employee Liability Information
I am writing to request that you provide me with the employee liability information (ELI) for the employees who are affected by the transfer of [business or part of a business] from [Outgoing Employer Name] to
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What is this for?
A TUPE request for employee liability information letter is a written document that an employer sends to the outgoing employer to request information about the employees who are affected by the transfer of a business or part of a business, as required under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE).
The employee liability information (ELI) includes details such as the name and address of the affected employees, their age, job title, length of service, and any disciplinary or grievance issues. This information is used by the incoming employer to assess their potential liabilities and obligations towards the transferred employees.
The TUPE request for employee liability information letter typically includes information such as the name and address of the outgoing employer, the date of the transfer, and a request for the required information. The letter should also provide a deadline for the outgoing employer to respond and a contact person for any further questions or information.
The purpose of the letter is to ensure that the incoming employer has access to all the necessary information about the transferred employees to fulfill their obligations under TUPE. It also helps to ensure that the transfer of employees is conducted in a fair and transparent manner and provides evidence that both employers have complied with their legal obligations under TUPE.

Employment law compliance
If an organisation is transferring employees to you in accordance with TUPE, they are legally required to provide you with certain information about the transferring employees at least 28 days before the transfer takes place.
Documentation sequence

TUPE employee liability information letter template
If TUPE is proposed, send this model letter to the incoming employer to provide them with liability information for transferring employees.