Homeworking agreement template
Supporting information
Our Homeworking Agreement Template supports remote work arrangements, outlining clear expectations for both employers and employees.

Homeworking agreement
This agreement confirms the terms and conditions that will apply to you as a homeworker. Other terms and conditions are included in your written statement of particulars [as well as the employee handbook].
Reporting relationship
While working at home, you will report to [name of manager].
You will be paid a fixed amount of £[amount] every [week/month] while working from home. Overtime will not be paid unless [name of manager] expressly authorises it in writing in advance.
For each [item produced/piece of work performed], you will be paid a 'fair piece rate' of £[amount].
Each week, the minimum amount of work to be completed is [x pieces]. The maximum quantity of work that should be accomplished each week is
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What is this for?
With the right to request flexible working now extended to all employees, not just parents or carers, home working may well become more popular amongst employees seeking greater flexibility. As such, as well as utilising this agreement, it is advisable that employers have a Homeworking policy setting out how any requests by employees will be dealt with.
This template is drafted to ensure that employers meet all of their legal obligations to their employees whilst ensuring that the work they receive is still of the standard that they might expect if the employee was in a more controlled environment.
It is designed to be used where either a new or existing employee has agreed that their main place of work will be elsewhere than the employer's office, or in any event in a location which is not under the control of the employer.

Employment law compliance
A homeworking agreement should be distributed to employees and signed before they commence a period of homeworking.
All businesses should undertake an appropriate Risk Assessment for employees working from home.
Employment Rights Act 1996: Addresses terms and conditions, including the provision of flexible working arrangements.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Requires employers to ensure a safe working environment for remote workers.
Data Protection Act 2018: Ensures data security and confidentiality for remote working arrangements.
Equality Act 2010: Prohibits discrimination, including ensuring equal opportunities for remote workers.
Working Time Regulations 1998: Defines working hours and rest periods, even for remote workers.
National Minimum Wage Act 1998: Ensures remote workers are paid at least the minimum wage.