Guide to trialling a hybrid working model

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Our Guide to Trialling a Hybrid Working Model offers comprehensive insights and step-by-step instructions for organisations to effectively implement and evaluate a hybrid work arrangement.

Why this guide is necessary

The Guide to Trialling a Hybrid Working Model provides a comprehensive framework for organisations seeking to experiment with hybrid work arrangements.

It offers step-by-step instructions for planning, implementing, and evaluating a trial period, helping businesses assess the viability and benefits of this evolving work model while ensuring a smooth transition for employees.


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guide to trialling a hybrid working model

Guide to trialling a hybrid working model


In the era of evolving work environments, employers are increasingly considering the adoption of hybrid working models. However, it's prudent to embark on a trial period before committing to such a change. This guide explores the steps HR professionals can take to ensure a successful and effective hybrid working trial period.

Step 1: Assess the Suitability of Hybrid Working

Before launching into a trial period, it's crucial to evaluate whether the hybrid working model aligns with the organization's goals and culture.

HR should:

  • Examine the practicality and cultural compatibility of hybrid working.
  • Seek buy-in from senior management.
  • Identify roles suitable for hybrid work.
  • Gather employee feedback on their appetite for hybrid working.

Step 2: Announce the Hybrid Working Trial Period

Once the decision is made to proceed, communicate it effectively.

The announcement should include:

  • The rationale for conducting a trial period.
  • Details of the hybrid working arrangements during the trial.
  • Clear guidelines on workplace attendance and remote work.
  • The trial period's duration, including start and end dates.
  • The review process for the hybrid working arrangements.
  • Methods for employees to provide feedback and address issues.
  • Preliminary ground rules, possibly in the form of a draft policy subject to change.

Step 3: Listen to Employee Feedback

During the trial period, it's vital to gather feedback from all staff, not just those directly impacted.

Methods include:

  • Employee surveys to assess the effectiveness of hybrid working.
  • Encouraging ongoing feedback channels, such as direct communication with line managers or HR.
  • Involving line managers to understand the challenges and benefits of managing a hybrid workforce.

Step 4: Adapt as Necessary

Flexibility is key during the trial period. Be prepared to make changes based on feedback and evolving circumstances, such as:

  • Adjusting the balance between workplace and remote work.
  • Reassessing roles for suitability.
  • Adapting COVID-19 safety measures for onsite employees.
  • Enhancing remote working technology and equipment.
  • Modifying hotdesking arrangements.

Regularly update and communicate changes through policy revisions.

Step 5: Decide and Communicate the Trial Outcome

At the end of the trial, communicate the outcome clearly:

  • If the trial was successful, confirm the permanent adoption of the hybrid working model.
  • Share findings from the trial and outline next steps, including timelines and contract changes.
  • Finalize the hybrid working policy and distribute it to employees.

Step 6: Formalise New Hybrid Working Arrangements

For a permanent transition, formalize the arrangements:

  • Consider amending employment contracts to reflect the new working model.
  • Alternatively, introduce hybrid working as a discretionary option, maintaining flexibility while ensuring alignment with actual practices.
  • Conduct individual discussions with employees to address any unique concerns.

By following these steps, HR professionals can effectively navigate the hybrid working trial period and ensure a smooth transition toward a more flexible and responsive work environment.

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