Reasonable Adjustment Plan template
Supporting information
Our Reasonable Adjustment Plan template facilitates fair accommodations, ensuring inclusivity and compliance with disability regulations for employees.

Reasonable Adjustment Plan
Employee Information:
Name: _________________________
Employee ID: ___________________
Department: ____________________
Job Title: _______________________
Contact Details: ________________
Nature of Disability/Condition:
Describe the disability/condition for which reasonable adjustments are being made:
Requested Adjustments:
List the agreed-upon adjustments to accommodate the employee's needs:
Implementation Plan:
Outline the steps to
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What is this for?
The Reasonable Adjustment Plan outlines the specific accommodations and support measures agreed upon between employers and employees with disabilities or specific needs. It details the adjustments to be made to the workplace, equipment, or procedures to enable the employee to perform their job effectively and participate fully in the workplace.
This plan serves as a roadmap for implementing and monitoring reasonable adjustments, ensuring that employees receive the support they need to succeed in their roles.
It promotes inclusivity and equal opportunities in the workplace, fostering a supportive environment where all employees can contribute their best.

Employment law compliance
Equality Act 2010: Requires employers to make reasonable adjustments for employees with disabilities or health conditions to prevent discrimination.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Obliges employers to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of employees, which may include making reasonable adjustments.
Data Protection Act 2018 (incorporating GDPR): Dictates the handling of personal data within the Reasonable Adjustment Plan in compliance with data protection principles.
Employment Rights Act 1996: Sets the legal framework for employment contracts and terms, including the provision of reasonable adjustments.
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA): Though repealed, previous versions of the DDA established obligations similar to those in the Equality Act regarding reasonable adjustments for disabled employees.
Documentation sequence

Reasonable Adjustment Assessment Checklist form template
Our Reasonable Adjustment Assessment Checklist Form Template helps evaluate and implement accommodations, ensuring fair treatment and accessibility for employees with disabilities.