Green Procurement policy template

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Our Green Procurement Policy promotes environmentally friendly purchasing practices, aligning with sustainability goals and reducing ecological footprints.

This policy has three parts: an 'overview' that explains what it's about, 'scope' which details who it applies to, and 'general principles' that list the main rules it follows.

Why this policy is necessary

The Green Procurement Policy outlines guidelines for sourcing goods and services in an environmentally sustainable manner. It aims to minimise the environmental impact of procurement activities by prioritising products and suppliers that demonstrate eco-friendly practices and sustainability credentials.

This policy promotes corporate responsibility and contributes to environmental stewardship by encouraging the adoption of greener alternatives in purchasing decisions.

By aligning procurement practices with sustainability objectives, it supports organisations in reducing their carbon footprint and fostering a more environmentally conscious supply chain.


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537 words, 2 pages A4
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Date last reviewed
1 July 2024
green procurement policy template

Green Procurement


At [Company Name], we are committed to minimising our environmental footprint and promoting sustainability in all aspects of our operations, including procurement. This Green Procurement Policy outlines our commitment to environmentally responsible purchasing practices and sets out guidelines for integrating environmental considerations into our procurement processes.

Policy Statement

[Company Name] recognises the importance of sustainable procurement practices in reducing environmental impacts, conserving resources, and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. As such, we are committed to:

  1. Prioritising the procurement of goods and services that minimise environmental harm and promote sustainability.

  2. Integrating environmental criteria into our procurement decision-making process.

  3. Collaborating with suppliers to identify and implement environmentally friendly products and practices.

  4. Educating and training our employees on green procurement principles and practices.

  5. Monitoring and measuring the environmental performance of our procurement activities and striving for continual improvement.

Guiding Principles

Our green procurement efforts are guided by the following principles:

  1. Environmental Responsibility: We will consider the environmental impact of products and services throughout their lifecycle, from extraction of raw materials to disposal, and prioritise those with lower environmental footprints.

  2. Resource Efficiency: We will strive to minimise resource consumption, including energy, water, and materials, by selecting products and services that are resource-efficient and have minimal waste generation.

  3. Pollution Prevention: We will seek to minimise pollution and emissions by choosing products and services that are manufactured and transported using environmentally friendly methods and materials.

  4. Circular Economy: We will promote the principles of a circular economy by favoring products and services that are designed for durability, repairability, and recyclability, and by encouraging reuse and recycling initiatives.

  5. Supplier Engagement: We will work collaboratively with our suppliers to promote sustainable practices, encourage innovation in product design and manufacturing, and foster transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain.


To implement this Green Procurement Policy, [Company Name] will:

  1. Develop and communicate procurement guidelines and criteria that reflect our commitment to sustainability.

  2. Provide training and resources to procurement staff to ensure they understand and adhere to green procurement principles.

  3. Incorporate environmental criteria into our procurement processes, including product specifications, supplier evaluations, and contract requirements.

  4. Regularly review and evaluate our procurement practices to identify opportunities for improvement and innovation.

  5. Engage with suppliers to assess their environmental performance and support their efforts to adopt sustainable practices.

Monitoring and Reporting

We will monitor and measure our progress towards meeting the objectives of this policy and report on our green procurement performance annually. This will include tracking key performance indicators related to environmental impact, resource efficiency, supplier engagement, and cost savings.

Review and Revision

This Green Procurement Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in guiding our procurement practices. Any necessary revisions will be made in consultation with relevant stakeholders and in accordance with evolving best practices and regulatory requirements.


By adopting this Green Procurement Policy, [Company Name] demonstrates its commitment to environmental stewardship, sustainability, and responsible business practices. Together, we can contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future for generations to come.

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This policy [does not] form[s] part of your terms and conditions of employment.

Version: [1.0]

Issue date: [date]

Author: [name, job title]

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