Guide to performance appraisal
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This is a complete guide for an appraiser for how to implement successful performance appraisals.
It details:
- Preparation
- Fairness
- Giving feedback effectively
- Setting objectives
- Wellbeing
- Skils required for running a successful appraisal meeting

performance appraisal
Explain the process
It is important that the indivudual being appraised understand the purpose and its process, emphasising the following aspects of it:
- It will happen regularly as an ongoing practice
- It is a two-way process that should be of mutual benefit and not a mere exercise of managerial judgement
- Views and suggestions will be encouraged and valued
- The individual should expect to be treated fairly
- The review is and will remain confidential between those who are responsible for managing the individual.
Preparing for the review meeting is vital to its effectiveness. The manager should do the following:
- Give the individual adequate notice of the review meeting and arrange to meet at a mutually convenient time and place.
- Explain the purpose of the meeting and encourage the individual to prepare beforehand by thinking about what the wish to discuss during the meeting. Ask them to think about the following:
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What is this for?
This Guide to performance appraisal aims to offer you a versatile and customisable tool, serving as a solid foundation for your needs. Utilise it to ensure consistency, enhance accuracy, and save valuable time.
Adapt it to suit your unique requirements, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in your HR processes.