Disciplinary policy template
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Use this model disciplinary policy to help and encourage employees to improve, achieve and maintain standards of conduct, attendance and job performance.

Disciplinary policy
1 Overview
1.1 The aim of the Disciplinary Policy is to help and encourage employees to improve, achieve and maintain standards of conduct, attendance and job performance.
1.2 It also enables management to deal effectively with those employees who do not comply with the Company standards of conduct, attendance and performance in the workplace.
1.3 Equally, the policy and procedure are designed in a manner which is non-discriminatory and which is fair, consistent and effective. It must also be applied in a timely manner and without undue delay.
2 Scope
2.1 This policy is applicable to all employees of [company name].
3 General principles
3.1 All Managers have a responsibility for ensuring that employees are made aware of the Disciplinary Policy. All employees are to be informed of the standards of conduct and work performance expected of them and Managers should ensure that these standards are fully understood by those who work to them. Action taken under this policy must reflect fully the process detailed in the Procedural Appendix attached to this policy.
3.2 Matters relating to or arising under the Disciplinary Policy must be treated as confidential at all times. Failure to do so may itself constitute grounds for initiating disciplinary action.
4 Procedure
4.1 At each stage of this procedure, the employee has a right to be accompanied by an accredited Trade Union representative or work colleague. The employee will also be informed in writing of:
The nature of the complaint or allegation against them; and
The stage at which the matter is being considered.
4.2 The employee will also be reminded that they will be given a full opportunity to state their case and if action is taken, what improvement is required. They will also be reminded of their right of appeal.
4.3 Managers whose responsibilities require them to participate in or hold disciplinary meetings will be given appropriate training to enable them to undertake their role effectively and dispassionately.
Employees should make every effort to attend meetings or interviews relating to the application of the Disciplinary Procedure. If an individual is unable to attend, they will need to give notice and the reasons why they are unable to attend. The meeting will then be re-scheduled to a mutually convenient time. Unless the reasons are exceptional,
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What is this for?
A disciplinary policy is aimed at ensuring that issues of misconduct are managed and dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.
It promotes high standards of behaviour and conduct for all employees and describes appropriate corrective action where those standards are not met.