Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy template
Value bundles that include this:
In this Coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy, you'll find all the essential guidelines employees should follow during the coronavirus outbreak and temporary alterations of existing sick leave and work from home policies.
This policy has three parts: an 'overview' that explains what it's about, 'scope' which details who it applies to, and 'general principles' that list the main rules it follows.
Why this policy is necessary
This Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy template aims to offer you a versatile and customisable tool, serving as a solid foundation for your needs. Utilise it to ensure consistency, enhance accuracy, and save valuable time.
Adapt it to suit your unique requirements, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in your HR processes.
Compliance notes
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Provides a legal framework for ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of employees, including the obligation to assess and manage risks related to COVID-19.
The Employment Rights Act 1996: Establishes various employment rights, including the right to a safe and healthy working environment, which should be addressed in a COVID-19 policy.
The Equality Act 2010: Requires employers to consider reasonable adjustments for employees who are at higher risk or have specific needs related to COVID-19.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002: Requires employers to assess and control the risks posed by hazardous substances, including viruses like COVID-19, and implement appropriate control measures.
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992: Requires employers to assess and manage risks associated with display screen equipment, which may include considerations for remote work arrangements during the pandemic.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: Requires employers to conduct risk assessments and take necessary measures to protect the health and safety of employees, including specific considerations for COVID-19.
The Data Protection Act 2018: Sets guidelines for handling personal data, including health-related information collected as part of COVID-19 policies and procedures.
The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984: Provides powers to public health authorities to control the spread of infectious diseases and may impact certain aspects of a COVID-19 policy.
The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and other government guidelines: Employers need to align their COVID-19 policies with the government's guidance on furlough, social distancing, and other related measures.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Establishes requirements for the processing and protection of personal data, including the collection and handling of health information related to COVID-19.
10 mins
747 words, 2 pages A4
1 September 2024
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. You are expected to follow all these rules diligently, to maintain a healthy and safe workplace It's important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to the measures in this document.
This coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines. If so, we will update you as soon as possible by email.
This policy applies to all of our employees who physically work in our office(s) and remote employees. This will ensure that we collectively respond to this challenge and support each other.
General Principles
We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here
We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home
We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
Where people cannot be 2m apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk
Managing COVID risk
Here, we outline the required actions employees should take to protect themselves and their co-workers from a potential coronavirus infection.
Sick leave arrangements
If you have cold symptoms, such as cough/sneezing/fever, or feel poorly, you should stay at home.
If you have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, you can return to the office only after you've fully recovered[, with a doctor's note confirming your recovery].
Work from home requests
If you are feeling ill, but you are able to work, you can request to work from home.
If you have recently returned from areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases, we'll ask you to work from home for 10 calendar days, and return to the office only if you are fully asymptomatic. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
If you've been in close contact with someone infected by COVID-19, with high chances of being infected yourself, request work from home. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
If you're a parent and you have to stay at home with your children, request work from home. Follow up with your manager or departmental leader to make arrangements and set expectations.
If you need to provide care to a family member infected by COVID-19, request work from home. You'll only be permitted to return to the office 14 calendar days after your family member has fully recovered, provided that you're asymptomatic or you have a doctor's note confirming you don't have the virus. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
Only essential visitors are allowed to access site at this time (that is to perform essential maintenance).
Traveling/commuting measures
All work trips and events - both domestic and international - will be cancelled/postponed until further notice.
In-person meetings should be done virtually where possible, especially with non-company parties (e.g. candidate interviews and partners).
If you normally commute to the office by public transportation and do not have other alternatives, you can request to work from home as a precaution.
If you are planning to travel voluntarily to a high-risk country with increased COVID-19 cases, we'll ask you to work from home for 10 calendar days. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
General hygiene rules
Wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating, and if you cough/sneeze into your hands (follow the 20-second hand-washing rule). You can also use the sanitisers you'll find around the office.
Cough/sneeze into your sleeve, preferably into your elbow. If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize your hands immediately.
Open the windows regularly to ensure open ventilation.
Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected.
If you find yourself coughing/sneezing on a regular basis, avoid close physical contact with your coworkers and take extra precautionary measures (such as taking sick leave).
This policy [does not] form[s] part of your terms and conditions of employment.
Version: [1.0]
Issue date: [date]
Author: [name, job title]