Changes to terms and conditions of employment letter template
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Supporting information
This document is used where the Company wishes to change certain terms and conditions of employment with agreement of the employee.

Changes to terms and conditions of employment letter
[Sender name]
[Sender address]
[Recipient name]
[Recipient address]
Dear [Recipient first name],
Changes to Terms and Conditions of Employment
[Further to our discussions, ]I [am pleased to | can] [propose | confirm] the following [change[s] | addition[s]] to your terms and conditions of employment, which will take effect on [date]:
[Place of work
Your usual place of work will be [address], however the Company reserves the right to change this should the needs of the service require this.]
[Notice of termination
[number] months
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What is this for?
A Changes to Terms and Conditions of Employment letter is a letter that is used by an employer to inform an employee that there will be changes to their terms and conditions of employment. This could include changes to working hours, salary, benefits, job duties, or any other aspect of their employment.
The letter should outline the proposed changes in detail, including the effective date of the changes and the reason for them. It should also provide the employee with the opportunity to respond to the proposed changes and to raise any concerns or objections that they may have.
Overall, a Changes to Terms and Conditions of Employment letter is an important communication tool that can help to ensure that changes to employment arrangements are made in a clear, transparent, and legally compliant manner.

Employment law compliance
In many cases, changes to terms and conditions of employment may require the employee's agreement. In such cases, the letter may also include a section for the employee to sign indicating their agreement to the proposed changes.
It is important to note that any changes to terms and conditions of employment must be made in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as employment contracts, collective bargaining agreements, or employment law. Employers should ensure that they are complying with all necessary requirements and that any proposed changes are fair and reasonable.
Documentation sequence

Contract variation agreement letter template
If you have reached an agreement with an employee regarding a variation to their contract / terms and conditions, issue this model letter template.