Hybrid working move confirmation letter template

£ 15

Our Hybrid Working Move Confirmation Letter Template ensures clarity, guiding seamless transition and expectations for employees.

Why this letter is necessary

This Hybrid working move confirmation letter template aims to offer you a versatile and customisable tool, serving as a solid foundation for your needs. Utilise it to ensure consistency, enhance accuracy, and save valuable time.

Adapt it to suit your unique requirements, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in your HR processes.

Workflow sequence

Previous step
Invitation to discuss hybrid working application letter template

Our Invitation to Discuss Hybrid Working Application Letter Template formally invites an employee to discuss their hybrid work application, promoting open communication and alignment on expectations.

This step
Hybrid working move confirmation letter template

Implementation timeline

Step Description Responsibility Timing
1 Review Hybrid Working Application HR/Supervisor Upon receipt of the application
2 Assess Feasibility and Approval HR/Management Within 2-4 weeks of application
3 Develop the Confirmation Letter HR/Management Within 1 week of approval
4 Review and Approval of Letter HR/Management Within 1 week of development
5 Issue Confirmation Letter to Employee HR Immediately after approval

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Reading time icon
Time to read / prep / use
5 mins
Document specs icon
Word count / length
387 words, 2 pages A4
Date last reviewed icon
Date last reviewed
1 September 2024
hybrid working move confirmation letter template

[Company name]

[Sender address]



[Recipient name]

[Recipient address]


Dear [Recipient first name],

I hope this message finds you in good health. We are pleased to inform you that your application for hybrid working at [Company Name] has been approved, and we are excited to confirm your transition to this new work arrangement.

  • Effective Date: [Start Date of Hybrid Working]

  • Work Schedule: As discussed and agreed upon, your hybrid work schedule will consist of [Specify Days/Hours in Office] at the office and [Specify Days/Hours Remote] working remotely. This schedule will commence on the effective date mentioned above.

  • Logistics and Equipment: To facilitate your remote work, we have ensured that you have access to the necessary technology, tools, and resources required for a seamless transition. If you have any specific needs or requirements, please do not hesitate to reach out to our IT department.

  • Communication: Effective communication is crucial in a hybrid work environment. We encourage you to maintain regular contact with your team and colleagues through various communication channels, including video conferencing, messaging platforms, and email.

  • Responsibilities and Expectations: Please be aware that while working remotely, your responsibilities and expectations remain the same. We trust that you will continue to meet your job requirements and objectives, maintaining the high standards of performance we value.

  • Trial Period: As part of our commitment to ensuring that this transition is successful for both you and the organization, we will implement a trial period. This period will allow us to make any necessary adjustments and assess the effectiveness of the hybrid working arrangement. During this time, we welcome your feedback and encourage open communication.

  • Review Meetings: We will schedule regular review meetings during the trial period to discuss your experiences and address any concerns or suggestions you may have. Your feedback will be instrumental in refining our hybrid work policies.

We appreciate your enthusiasm for embracing this new way of working and commend your dedication to [Company Name]. This transition represents a significant step forward in providing flexibility and work-life balance to our employees.

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding the hybrid working arrangement, please feel free to contact our HR department.

Once again, congratulations on this exciting development, and we look forward to a successful and productive journey in the hybrid work environment.

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Yours [faithfully | sincerely],



[Sender name]

[Sender job title]

[Sender telephone]
[Sender email]


[For, and on behalf of [Company name] ]

Why choose our Hybrid working move confirmation letter template?

Our content:

Is easy to edit and execute, with comprehensive implementation guidance.
Is designed by accredited, experienced HR practitioners.
Maintains your compliance with ACAS guidelines, legislation, and industry best practices.
Includes 12 months access to your purchase, with email alerts if updated or expanded.

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