Performance appraisal form template
Value bundles that include this:
A regular performance appraisal or performance development review is important to keep track on the employee in terms of their performance against objectives or other standards, and to maintain their development.
This is a full review document, containing objectives, appraisal and commentary. You can add your own scoring system using objectives and skills if need be.
Additional implementation support:
Why this form is necessary
This Performance appraisal form template aims to offer you a versatile and customisable tool, serving as a solid foundation for your needs. Utilise it to ensure consistency, enhance accuracy, and save valuable time.
Adapt it to suit your unique requirements, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in your HR processes.
10 mins
1011 words, 3 pages A4
1 September 2024
Performance appraisal
Name: | |
Job title: | |
Department: | |
Manager: | |
Review period: |
Review dates
Objectives and development plan meeting: | [yyyy-mm-dd] @ [hh:mm] |
1st formal review date and time: | [yyyy-mm-dd] @ [hh:mm] |
End of year review date and time: | [yyyy-mm-dd] @ [hh:mm] |
NB - Please notify HR of the above dates as soon as possible.
Guidance notes
Line Managers
Please read the Performance Management Guidance document.
Meeting Preparation
At least one week before each review meeting, send a copy of this document by email to the employee you are reviewing. This will give the Job Holder the opportunity to review the areas in which they will be assessed, and to prepare questions / responses.
Line Managers and Job Holders should prepare and print this document and bring it to each meeting.
Objectives / Training and Development Plan
Company Objectives
[Summarise the short term and long terms objectives of the company]
Departmental Objectives
[Summarise the short term and long terms objectives of the department]
Individual Objectives
[Discuss and agree the objectives you set out to achieve during this reporting period with the measures agreed. Comment on achievement or otherwise, with reasons where appropriate. This should reflect individual tasks on the Job Description, which you should also ensure reflects the job.]
Type [Initial / change] | Objective | Measure [How will the objective be assessed?] | Review date | Achieved? [or % complete] | Comments |
Individual Training and Development Plan
Detail the areas of knowledge, skills, experience and attributes that will be developed during this reporting period (including any planned training)
To achieve [specify outcomes of proposed training / development] | By [date] | Type of training required | Date complete |
Objectives Assessment
Being met? | Yes | No |
If NO why? |
Training and Development Assessment
Being met? | Yes | No |
If NO why? |
Think about the following points when assessing this competence
1. Product / technical knowledge
Does the job holder keep abreast of current issues and developments in their own field/profession? Do they share knowledge and update others on changes? Do they acquire knowledge outside own immediate area of expertise to be part of a multi-disciplinary team?
2. Commercial judgement
When making decisions, are the decisions made after planning and forethought? Does the job holder make the right decisions? Do they learn from mistakes?
3. Motivation and determination
Does the job holder motivate themselves to achieve departmental and individual goals? How much encouragement does the job holder need to perform, or exceed their duties? Do they motivate others to complete tasks?
4. Time management
What skill does the job holder display in managing their workload? Do they achieve deadlines efficiently? Do they require the help of others in managing their own time?
5. Communication
Does the job holder possess strong verbal and written communication skills? Are they able to converse with customers or suppliers clearly and concisely without help or intervention from others? Do they display assertive or emotional behaviour when dealing with issues? Are they comfortable when training others?
6. Planning and organisation
Does the job holder display appropriate planning skills when working to deadlines or targets? Are they generally organised? Do you know what they are working on?
7. Quality of output
Does the job holder’s quality of work meet the standard required? Do they help others in achieving company quality standards?
8. Managing change
Does the job holder demonstrate ability to assimilate and assess the relevance of new developments or changes affecting the company, the department and themselves? Do they embrace positive change positively? Do they develop coping mechanisms for managing negative change? Do they support others through change?
9. Leadership
When leading others, be it as a manager, or within a project, does the job holder display the required leadership skills (i.e. motivation, decision making, communication etc.)
10. Reliability
How consistent in terms of work quality and quantity, attendance, punctuation?
11. Team working
Is the job holder a valuable part of the team? Do they contribute to team discussions? What role do they play within the team? Do they motivate other team members to achieve targets?
12. Administration
Does the job holder complete administrative duties (such as filing, housekeeping etc.) timely and efficiently?
13. Delegation
When delegating tasks to others, does the job holder display the appropriate skills and maintenance of accountability?
14. IT skills
To what extent does the job holder understand and use IT systems and processes applicable to them? Do they learn system changes quickly and help others to do the same?
16. Creativity
Does the job holder suggest original ideas for improving processes?
Line Managers overall comments on this period
Job Holders overall comments on this period
Overall Review Summary
Signed (employee): | |
Signed (manager): | |
Date: |
Version: [1.0]
Issue date: [date]