Fit note first request letter template

£ 15

Our Fit Note First Request Letter Template streamlines the process of requesting a fit note from an employee, ensuring compliance with UK employment regulations.

If you have an employee who has been absent for more than 7 days, but has not submitted a fit note to you, send this model letter template to request it from them. 

Why this letter is necessary

The Fit Note First Request Letter is used to request a medical certificate from an employee who has been absent from work due to illness. This letter ensures compliance with UK regulations and formally asks the employee to provide a fit note from a doctor. It helps manage absences effectively and supports employees' health and well-being.

The Fit Note First Request Letter adheres to essential UK employment legislation, ensuring proper handling of employee health-related matters and statutory sick pay. Key legislations include:

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Imposes an employer's duty to safeguard employees' health, safety, and welfare.

  • Access to Medical Reports Act 1988: Specifies an employee's rights to access medical reports concerning their health.

  • Employment Rights Act 1996: Encompasses provisions for sick leave, pay entitlement, and providing terms of employment.

  • Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992: Establishes regulations for statutory sick pay and the use of medical certificates (fit notes).

  • Equality Act 2010: Ensures non-discrimination and reasonable adjustments for employees with health conditions.

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Governs the handling of employee health data to ensure privacy and security.

These legislations collectively support the employer's responsibility to manage employee health, statutory sick pay, and provide a safe and inclusive working environment.

Workflow sequence

Previous step
Sick absence policy

Our Sick Absence Policy Template facilitates effective sick leave management, supports employees' health, and minimises disruptions in the workplace.

This step
Fit note first request letter template
Next step
Fit note second request letter template

Our Fit Note Second Request Letter Template helps efficiently address unsubmitted fit notes, ensuring timely completion.

Implementation timeline

Step Description Responsibility Timing
1 Monitor employee absences and identify those who haven't submitted a fit note after 7 calendar days of absence. HR 1-2 days after the 7th day of absence
2 Prepare the Fit Note First Request Letter, reminding the employee to submit the required fit note. HR When needed
3 Ensure the letter emphasises the importance of timely submission. HR During letter preparation
4 Send the letter to the employee, using appropriate communication channels. HR Upon letter preparation
5 Document the sending of the reminder letter and maintain a record of all correspondence for future reference. HR After sending the letter

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Reading time icon
Time to read / prep / use
5 mins
Document specs icon
Word count / length
116 words, 1 page A4
Date last reviewed icon
Date last reviewed
1 July 2024
fit note first request letter template

[Company name]

[Sender address]



[Recipient name]

[Recipient address]


Dear [Recipient first name],


Request for statement of fitness for work

According to our records, you [have been/were] away from work due to [sickness/injury] [since [date]/from [date] to [date].

As you may know, the first seven days of illness leave can be self certified, but all absences that extend more than seven calendar days must be accompanied by a doctor's medical certificate, i.e. a "statement of fitness for work".

We must urgently request that you produce a doctor's statement of fitness for work to cover your absence.

In the meanwhile, I would appreciate it if you could [phone/speak to] [name] to explain why you have not yet submitted a doctor's statement, and to let us know when we may receive one from you.

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Yours [faithfully | sincerely],



[Sender name]

[Sender job title]

[Sender telephone]
[Sender email]


[For, and on behalf of [Company name] ]

Why choose our Fit note first request letter template?

Our content:

Is easy to edit and execute, with comprehensive implementation guidance.
Is designed by accredited, experienced HR practitioners.
Maintains your compliance with ACAS guidelines, legislation, and industry best practices.
Includes 12 months access to your purchase, with email alerts if updated or expanded.

Stop doing this:

Wasting money buying documents that don't meet best practice or legislation.
Wasting effort searching for free documents that lack implementation support.
Wasting time creating documents from scratch.