Exit interview meeting script template

£ 15

Our Exit Interview Meeting Script Template streamlines the process, ensuring comprehensive feedback and valuable insights for organisational improvement.

Additional implementation support:

Why this script is necessary

The purpose of the Exit Interview Meeting Script Template is to guide the interviewer in conducting a structured and meaningful exit interview with departing employees.

The template helps gather valuable feedback and insights from employees about their experiences, reasons for leaving, and suggestions for organisational improvement.

It ensures consistency and thoroughness in the exit interview process, enabling the company to identify patterns, address issues, and make necessary changes to enhance employee retention and overall organisational effectiveness.

  • Data Protection Act 2018: Ensures that employee data collected during exit interviews is handled securely and in compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Employment Rights Act 1996: Provides employees with the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative during the exit interview.

  • Equality Act 2010: Ensures that exit interviews are conducted without discrimination and that feedback is gathered fairly and objectively.

  • Whistleblowing Policy: Offers protection to employees who raise concerns during exit interviews about illegal, unethical, or unsafe practices within the organisation.

  • ACAS Code of Practice: Provides guidelines on conducting exit interviews fairly and effectively, encouraging open and honest communication.

Workflow sequence

Previous step
Exit interview meeting invitation letter template

Our Exit Interview Meeting Invitation Letter template streamlines the process, ensuring a smooth and professional communication with departing employees.

This step
Exit interview meeting script
Next step
Exit interview questions form template

Our Exit Interview Questions Form ensures a thorough and structured approach to gathering valuable feedback from departing employees.

Practical example

Scenario: Exit Interview Meeting for Departing Employee at ABC Limited

ABC Limited, a leading technology company, conducts an exit interview meeting with Sarah Thompson, a departing employee who has resigned from her position as Marketing Manager. HR Manager, Sarah Johnson, oversees the exit interview process and conducts the meeting to gather feedback and insights from Sarah Thompson about her employment experience at ABC Limited.


Sarah Thompson has been a valued member of the marketing team at ABC Limited for the past three years. However, she recently submitted her resignation, citing personal reasons and a desire to explore new career opportunities. ABC Limited views the exit interview as an opportunity to gain valuable feedback from Sarah Thompson and identify any areas for improvement within the company.

Exit Interview Meeting

Sarah Johnson schedules a meeting with Sarah Thompson to conduct the exit interview. During the meeting, Sarah Johnson expresses appreciation for Sarah Thompson's contributions to ABC Limited and acknowledges her decision to move on. She reassures Sarah Thompson that the purpose of the exit interview is to gather constructive feedback and insights to enhance the employee experience for current and future employees.


Sarah Johnson guides the conversation by asking open-ended questions about Sarah Thompson's overall experience at ABC Limited, including her reasons for leaving, perceptions of company culture, communication effectiveness, opportunities for professional development, and any suggestions for improvement. Sarah Thompson shares her thoughts candidly, highlighting positive aspects of her experience as well as areas where she believes ABC Limited could make enhancements.

Feedback and Insights

Through the exit interview, Sarah Johnson gains valuable feedback and insights from Sarah Thompson, which she documents and shares with relevant stakeholders within the company. She identifies common themes and trends from exit interviews with departing employees to inform strategic decision-making and continuous improvement initiatives at ABC Limited.

Follow-Up and Action Planning

After the exit interview meeting, Sarah Johnson follows up with Sarah Thompson to express gratitude for her participation and to provide any additional support or assistance as needed during the transition period. She collaborates with department managers and HR colleagues to develop action plans based on the feedback received during exit interviews, focusing on areas such as employee engagement, communication, training and development, and organisational culture.

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Time to read / prep / use
5 mins
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Word count / length
264 words, 2 pages A4
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Date last reviewed
1 July 2024
exit interview meeting script template

Exit interview meeting Script


Hello, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today for your exit interview. Our goal is to gather your feedback and insights to help us improve as an organization. Please feel free to be open and honest with us."

[Employee Background]

Can you tell us about your position and the length of your employment with us?"

[Job Satisfaction]

Can you describe your overall job satisfaction during your time with us? What were some of the highlights and challenges of your role?"

[Reason for Leaving]

What led to your decision to leave the company? Was it based on any specific experiences or issues?"

[Management and Supervision]

Can you describe your experience with management and supervision during your time with us? Did you feel you had the support you needed to be successful in your role?"

[Training and Development]

Did you receive the training and support you needed to perform your job effectively? Was there anything else you would have liked to receive to help you succeed in your role?"

[Company Culture]

Can you describe your experience with the company culture and work environment? Did you feel that you fit in well and had a sense of belonging?"


What recommendations would you make to improve the company's work environment, policies, or benefits?"

[Final Comments]

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the company or the exit process?"


Thank you for taking the time to speak with us and providing us with your valuable feedback. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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Why choose our Exit interview meeting script template?

Our content:

Is easy to edit and execute, with comprehensive implementation guidance.
Is designed by accredited, experienced HR practitioners.
Maintains your compliance with ACAS guidelines, legislation, and industry best practices.
Includes 12 months access to your purchase, with email alerts if updated or expanded.

Stop doing this:

Wasting money buying documents that don't meet best practice or legislation.
Wasting effort searching for free documents that lack implementation support.
Wasting time creating documents from scratch.