Redundancy Impact Assessment template

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Our Redundancy Impact Assessment template assists in evaluating and managing the effects of potential redundancy on employees and operations.

Why this template is necessary

The redundancy impact assessment is a crucial tool designed to evaluate the effects of potential redundancies on the organisation and its employees. It provides a structured approach to analysing various factors such as financial implications, operational disruptions, and employee morale.

This assessment helps in making informed decisions while planning redundancy processes.

By conducting a thorough redundancy impact assessment, organisations can identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate negative consequences. This ensures that redundancies are managed in a fair and transparent manner, supporting both organisational stability and the well-being of the affected employees.

Workflow sequence

Previous step
Redundancy policy

A redundancy policy is a framework that outlines procedures for fairly managing redundancies, including consultation, selection criteria, and employee support.

This step
Redundancy Impact Assessment template
Next step
Redundancy proposal meeting script

Use this model template as a script for holding a meeting to communicate a proposed redundancy situation, either with an individual or collectively.

Practical example

Scenario: Redundancy Impact Assessment at EcoTech Limited

EcoTech Limited, a mid-sized company specialising in renewable energy solutions, faces financial challenges due to market downturns and increased competition. To ensure the company's long-term viability, the senior management team decides to undergo a restructuring process, which involves potential redundancies. Before proceeding, they conduct a comprehensive Redundancy Impact Assessment to evaluate the implications of the proposed redundancies.


EcoTech Limited has been experiencing declining revenues and rising operational costs. After exploring various cost-saving measures, including reduced discretionary spending and deferred projects, the company concludes that a more significant restructuring is necessary. This involves reducing the workforce in certain departments where there is overcapacity or where functions can be merged or automated.

Conducting the Redundancy Impact Assessment:

  1. Initial Review and Planning:

    • The senior management team, led by CEO Jane Smith, decides to conduct a thorough impact assessment. They appoint Sarah, the HR manager, to lead this process.
    • Sarah collaborates with department heads to identify roles that may be affected by the restructuring and gathers data on the current workforce, including skills, tenure, and performance.
  2. Stakeholder Consultation:

    • Sarah organises meetings with department heads, team leaders, and employee representatives to discuss the potential redundancies. These discussions aim to understand the implications for each department and gather feedback on potential alternatives.
    • Legal counsel is consulted to ensure compliance with employment laws and regulations regarding redundancies.
  3. Data Analysis:

    • Sarah and her team analyse the data to identify the potential impact on the company’s operations, employee morale, and service delivery. They assess the skills and experience that would be lost and the potential need for retraining remaining employees to cover essential functions.
    • Financial projections are updated to reflect the cost savings from the proposed redundancies versus the costs associated with severance packages, retraining, and potential loss of productivity.
  4. Risk Assessment:

    • The team evaluates the risks associated with the redundancies, such as the potential loss of key talent, impacts on customer satisfaction, and the company’s ability to meet its strategic goals.
    • They also consider the social and psychological impact on the employees and the overall workplace culture, preparing plans to mitigate these effects.
  5. Report and Recommendations:

    • Sarah compiles the findings into a comprehensive report, detailing the potential impacts of the redundancies, including quantitative data and qualitative insights.
    • The report includes recommendations for mitigating negative impacts, such as offering voluntary redundancies, redeployment opportunities, outplacement services, and support for affected employees.


The Redundancy Impact Assessment conducted by EcoTech Limited provides a detailed understanding of the implications of the proposed restructuring. It enables the senior management team to make informed decisions that balance the financial needs of the company with the well-being of its employees. By following a structured approach, involving key stakeholders, and preparing mitigation plans, EcoTech Limited demonstrates a commitment to responsible and ethical business practices during challenging times.

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5 mins
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Word count / length
463 words, 2 pages A4
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Date last reviewed
21 June 2024
redundancy impact assessment template

Redundancy Impact Assessment

1. Introduction

This Redundancy Impact Assessment (RIA) aims to evaluate the potential effects of proposed redundancies within [Company Name]. The assessment outlines the rationale for the redundancies, the process to be followed, and the impact on employees and the organisation.

2. Rationale for Redundancies

  • Business Need:
    • Explanation of financial pressures, market conditions, or strategic realignment necessitating workforce reduction.
    • Details of any alternative measures considered (e.g., cost-cutting, restructuring) and why they are insufficient.

3. Legal and Policy Considerations

  • Compliance:
    • Ensure alignment with UK employment laws and regulations.
    • Outline the company’s redundancy policy, including selection criteria and consultation requirements.
    • Address any collective redundancy obligations if applicable.

4. Selection Criteria

  • Criteria Development:
    • Explain the criteria used to identify roles at risk, ensuring they are objective, fair, and non-discriminatory.
    • Consider skills, experience, performance records, and business needs.

5. Consultation Process

  • Employee Consultation:
    • Details of the consultation process with affected employees and, if applicable, trade unions or employee representatives.
    • Timeline of consultation meetings, feedback mechanisms, and decision timelines.

6. Support for Affected Employees

  • Support Measures:
    • Outline the support available to redundant employees, such as outplacement services, CV writing workshops, and counselling.
    • Details on statutory and enhanced redundancy pay, if applicable.
    • Information on notice periods and any assistance with job searching.

7. Impact on Employees

  • Direct Impact:
    • Number of employees affected, including demographics (age, gender, etc.) to assess any disproportionate impact.
    • Potential effects on morale, productivity, and remaining workforce.
  • Indirect Impact:
    • Impact on team dynamics, workload distribution, and organisational knowledge loss.

8. Financial Implications

  • Cost Analysis:
    • Detailed breakdown of redundancy costs, including severance packages, outplacement services, and potential legal fees.
    • Long-term financial benefits and cost savings anticipated from the redundancy programme.

9. Risk Assessment

  • Risk Identification:
    • Identify potential risks associated with the redundancies (e.g., loss of key skills, impact on customer service).
    • Mitigation strategies to address identified risks.

10. Communication Plan

  • Internal Communication:

    • Strategy for communicating the redundancy process and decisions to employees, ensuring transparency and sensitivity.
    • Channels and frequency of communication to maintain trust and morale.
  • External Communication:

    • Plan for managing communication with external stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and the media.

11. Monitoring and Review

  • Ongoing Evaluation:
    • Establish a framework for monitoring the impact of redundancies post-implementation.
    • Schedule regular reviews to assess the effectiveness of the redundancy process and support measures.

12. Conclusion

  • Summary:
    • Recap of the reasons for redundancies and the expected outcomes.
    • Commitment to supporting affected employees and ensuring a fair, transparent process.

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Why choose our Redundancy Impact Assessment template?

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Is designed by accredited, experienced HR practitioners.
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