Additional annual leave purchase request form template
Supporting information
Our additional annual leave purchase request form template streamlines the process for employees to request and purchase extra annual leave days efficiently.
Additional annual leave purchase request form
Employee Information
Name: __________________________________________
Employee ID: ___________________________________
Department: ____________________________________
Position: _______________________________________
Annual Leave Details
- Number of Additional Days to Purchase: _______________ days
Payment Option
Please select your preferred payment option (tick):
Lump sum payment in the next monthly pay cycle
Spread the cost evenly over 12 months
Employee Declaration
I confirm that I wish to purchase the above-stated number of additional annual leave days. I understand the terms and conditions of this purchase and agree to the selected payment option.
Employee Signature: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
HR Use Only
Reviewed by: ___________________________________
Approved by: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
Version: [1.0]
Issue date: [date]
Restricted before purchase.
Restricted before purchase.
What is this for?
The Additional Annual Leave Purchase Request Form allows employees to apply for extra holiday days beyond their standard entitlement.
This form facilitates the process, ensuring requests are formally documented and reviewed in line with company policy.
By providing a structured method for requesting additional leave, the form supports work-life balance and employee wellbeing. It also helps the organisation manage staffing levels and plan effectively to maintain productivity.
Employment law compliance
Employment Rights Act 1996: Establishes the statutory rights of employees, including entitlements and procedures related to annual leave.
Working Time Regulations 1998: Entitles full-time employees to a minimum of 5.6 weeks of annual leave, including public holidays.
Equality Act 2010: Ensures that the process for requesting additional annual leave is non-discriminatory and fair to all employees.
Best Practice: Clear Policy and Communication: Ensure that the policy for purchasing additional annual leave is clearly documented, communicated to all employees, and applied consistently.
Documentation sequence
Opportunity to buy annual leave letter template
Our opportunity to buy annual leave letter template helps streamline the introduction of a benefit for purchasing additional annual leave with clear communication.