Performance appraisal managers checklist form template

5 minute read • 1 January 2025
£ 9

This document is a quick checklist for an appraiser and what they need to do in practice to make a Performance Development Review a success.

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Performance appraisal managers checklist form


1. Collect the information which you will require

  • How they have performed against last years objectives?
  • How they have managed their resources?
  • Problems they have had, and how they have addressed these
  • Their strengths and weaknesses
  • Their likely training / development needs
  • Any changes to their job / objectives through the year?
  • Any problems with relationships?
  • Evidence of self-development over the year

2. Prepare the Environment

  • Choose an appropriate room
  • Allocate enough time
  • Inform the appraisee well in advance
  • Ensure there will be no interruptions

3. Prepare the Appraisee

  • Explain the appraisal process in advance
  • Allow them time to adequately prepare
  • Explain to them how to get the most from the appraisal interview

4. Reflect on the skills you require for effective appraisal interviewing

  • Questioning, listening, giving and receiving feedback, problem solving, note taking, being fair

The Appraisal Interview

1. Introduction

  • explain the purpose of the interview
  • explain the stages of the interview
  • recap on the situation at the last (or interim) appraisal
  • state the benefits which you hope will be achieved by the appraisal
  • encourage the appraisee to use the notes which they may have prepared
  • ask the appraisee about their expectations of the appraisal
  • agree areas of discussion based on both your agendas

2. The Main Part of the Interview

  • Employees gives view of how the year has gone

3. Prompt questions:

  • what have you done most effectively or has given you most satisfaction during the year?
  • what have you done least effectively or has given you least satisfaction during the year?
  • have you come across any obstacles - in the job situation, or in your own knowledge and skills that have prevented you from working as effectively, or with as much satisfaction as you would have wished?
  • if so how might these be overcome or avoided?

4. Review each specific objective

  • was each action carried out within time and effectively
  • was appropriate training and support given - if not, why not
  • were there constraints outwith the individuals control e.g. lack of resources, sickness etc.
  • did the individual timeously identify potential problems with achieving the objective and actively seek solutions?
  • application of a performance rating

5. Agree Objectives for this Year

6. Identify the appraisee’s training and development needs

  • how does the appraisee see their future career, and what are their aspirations
  • your perception of the future for the appraisee
  • areas where specific training is required to assist them to do their job / meet their objectives
  • area of professional development required to maintain / enhance professional skills
  • areas of development they wish to undertake which may be of more benefit to them than the Company

7. Concluding the Interview - summarise:

  • solutions identified to problems
  • specific job objectives agreed
  • actions to be taken forward by both you and the appraisee
  • agreement about reviewing objectives through the year
  • actions in relation to training and development activity

8. Record the Appraisal Outcomes

Version: [1.0]

Issue date: [date]

Restricted before purchase.

Restricted before purchase.

What is this for?

This Performance appraisal managers checklist form template aims to offer you a versatile and customisable tool, serving as a solid foundation for your needs. Utilise it to ensure consistency, enhance accuracy, and save valuable time.

Adapt it to suit your unique requirements, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in your HR processes.

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performance appraisal managers checklist form template

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