Disciplinary appeal hearing script template
You're welcome to use this.
Our Disciplinary Appeal Hearing Script Template ensures an organised and fair process for addressing disciplinary appeals, resolving conflicts effectively.

Disciplinary appeal hearing script
1 [Welcome]
1.1 Thanks for attending.
2 [Purpose of the meeting]
2.1 To consider your appeal against the outcome of your recent disciplinary hearing and give you an opportunity to explain the grounds for your appeal.
2.2 [If you have chosen to be accompanied at the hearing by a colleague or trade union official they may ask questions or read a statement on your behalf, but cannot answer questions for you].
2.3 Once you have set out the grounds for your appeal, we will then adjourn the meeting and I will decide whether to uphold the original outcome of your disciplinary hearing or amend it. This will be notified to you in writing.
2.4 Do you have any questions at this point?
3 [Grounds for appeal]
3.1 [Set out original decision]
3.1.1 You have provided a [letter/email] outlining the grounds for your appeal and I will address them in turn and ask whether you have any further comments.
3.2 [Details of ground]
3.2.1 (hear employee’s comments, and ask clarifying questions if necessary)
4 [End meeting]
4.1 Do you have any further questions, or points of clarificaton at this point?
4.2 Thank you again for attending, I will take into account everything you have said, and will consider my decision.
What is this for?
The purpose of a disciplinary appeal hearing script is to provide a structured and clear framework for conducting a disciplinary appeal hearing. The script serves as a guide for the chair of the hearing, ensuring that everyone is aware of the process and what is expected of them.
Using a disciplinary appeal hearing script can help ensure that the hearing is conducted fairly and consistently, and that all relevant information is presented and considered.
Overall, the purpose of a disciplinary appeal hearing script is to provide a fair and consistent process for hearing and considering appeals related to disciplinary actions. By using a script, employers can ensure that the hearing is conducted in a professional and structured manner, and that all parties involved are given a fair opportunity to present their case and be heard.
Extended guidance

Employment law compliance
Employment Rights Act 1996: This legislation sets out the minimum statutory procedures that employers must follow when taking disciplinary action against an employee. The Act provides for an employee's right to appeal against any disciplinary action taken by their employer.
Equality Act 2010: This legislation provides protection against discrimination on the grounds of a person's age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under the Act. It is important that disciplinary proceedings are conducted fairly and without discrimination or bias.
Human Rights Act 1998: This legislation incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law, which includes provisions for a fair hearing and access to justice. This supports the employee's right to appeal and to have their case heard in a fair and impartial manner.
Acas Code of Practice: This Code provides guidance on how to handle disciplinary and grievance procedures in the workplace. The Code sets out the principles of a fair procedure, including the right to appeal and the importance of providing clear reasons for any disciplinary action taken.
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992: This legislation provides employees with the right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or a workplace colleague at any disciplinary hearing. This helps to ensure that employees are supported and have someone to help present their case.
Documentation sequence

Disciplinary decision appeal letter template
Our Disciplinary Decision Appeal Letter Template supports fair processes, providing a platform for employees to address concerns and seek resolution.

Disciplinary appeal hearing outcome confirmation letter template
Our Disciplinary Appeal Hearing Outcome Confirmation Letter Template ensures clear communication of the final decision, promoting fairness and transparency.
Decision-making milestones
Step | Description | Responsibility | Timing |
1 | Initiate disciplinary appeal | Appellant | Within timescale set out in decision confirmation letter |
2 | Collect relevant documentation | HR/Supervisor | Within 2 working days of the appeal being acknowledged. |
3 | Schedule appeal hearing | HR | Within 5 working days of appeal letter being received. |
4 | Customise hearing script template | HR | Prior to the hearing |
5 | Conduct disciplinary appeal hearing | Chairperson/Panel | On scheduled date |
Practical example
Scenario: Appeal Hearing for Disciplinary Action at ABC Limited
ABC Limited, a leading retail company in the UK, is holding an appeal hearing in response to an employee's appeal against a disciplinary decision. The employee, Sarah, who works as a sales associate, was issued with a written warning for repeated lateness to work.
Sarah has been employed at ABC Limited for two years and has previously received positive performance evaluations. However, over the past few months, Sarah's punctuality has become an issue, with multiple instances of arriving late to her shifts.
Initial Disciplinary Action
Following a series of verbal warnings and discussions about her lateness, Sarah was issued with a written warning as per ABC Limited's disciplinary procedure. The written warning outlined the concerns about Sarah's punctuality and the potential impact on the team and business operations.
Sarah's Appeal
Sarah has appealed against the written warning, arguing that her lateness was due to unforeseen personal circumstances, including difficulties with public transport and family responsibilities. She believes that the disciplinary action taken against her was unfair and disproportionate to the situation.
The Appeal Hearing
HR Manager Emma, along with two senior managers from different departments, forms the panel for the appeal hearing. The panel convenes in a meeting room at ABC Limited's head office, with Sarah and her representative present.
Adjournment for Deliberation
The panel adjourns the hearing to deliberate on Sarah's appeal. They review the evidence presented, consider the circumstances surrounding the lateness incidents, and assess whether the disciplinary action taken was appropriate and proportionate.
Communication of Decision
Following deliberation, Emma reconvenes the hearing to finalise the panel's decision. The panel decised to uphold the written warning but agree to provide additional support and guidance to help her improve her punctuality moving forward.